Friday, August 20, 2010

Back in the day, there were those of us that reveled in the new found notoriety of being on the edge of High Tech development.
People started calling us ‘Hackers’. The term being generally considered an accolade.
It took a long, long time before the concept broadened to include just about any backyard contraption.
It took even longer before the notion of ‘Phreaking’ (stealing – power, phone, TV, whatever) got rolled in under the catchphrase.
We tried to fight back. insisting that nefarious, surreptitious activity was proprly termed ‘cracking’.
For a while that worked.
Until the lines were not only blurred but almost erased by P2P and digital anarchy.
Then, as now, there is a discernible line in R&D in any form or discipline. Ethical, or not, malevolent, or not. There ARE ethics, and there IS justice. from the Cottage, to the Super Colliders.
If a lone researcher, had posted working code for a browser exploit before giving the developers notice or warning. He’d be damned and reviled for dropping a 0 day on the planet. Even were that exploit to be known inside the security community.
What has happened here is no different.
This, is enabling, and abetting the publication
of a 0day against certain revenue tracking machines.
A hack, is a hack. and a crime is a crime.
Only those with the morals of a ferret, fail to distinguish amongst them.
Intellect is not the measure of a man.
Brilliant criminals, are still sub-human.
“There’s no such thing as right or wrong, only fun and boring…” is something expected from a 4 year old. By the age of 5, a rudimentary grasp of the concept of ‘fairness’ takes hold.
By 6, The ‘Golden Rule’ is usually not only understood, but demonstrated.
Is is possible to be both bright, and morally retarded.