Sunday, October 18, 2009


You may have noticed the site is currently undergoing maintenance. Basically I'm trying to do as much as possible using just static HTML and CSS. This doesn't mean I'm too lazy to learn Dreamweaver, I believe that there are too many designers now that *assume* end users have broadband, and their sites have background processes, fancy flash animations, and other things which will quickly saturate connections.
I'm going to show you thata website made with plain HTML and CSS can be just as impressively flash as some others (I won't mention which at this moment in time)

In the meantime, sorry for the delay in sorting the site out. If you have a login for the site it shoudl still work. None of the back-end stuff has been altered. Maintenance is scheduled to last at least a week, but it'll be back, bigger and better than before.

Stay Tuned!